All-in-one influencer platform to empower your scale
Get Started
60,000+ creators
Already joined the Bena Platform
creators from influencer market
brand's campaign performance charts in influencer market
How it works
Design your campaign
collaboration between brands and creators via campaigns
Collaborate with creators
brands invite creators to join campaigns to collaborate
Track and optimize ROI
track and optimize influencer marketing campaign ROI performance signup to find creators to start collaboration
The #1 Creator & Brand Collaboration Platform
creator recommendation to brands powered by AI
Recommendation Powered by AI
With our predictive data science capability, Bena creates the perfect match between brands and creators.
influencer marketing campaign ROI performance from participated creators
Campaign Management
With one stop shop for campaign management, there is no easiler place than Bena to plan and execute an influencer campaign
real time collaboration between brands and creators
Real Time Collaboration
Email is the past, let us embrace the convenience of real time messaging to have communication efficient with language barrier.
track and optimize influencer marketing campaign ROI performance
ROI Tracking and Optimization
Don’t repeat a failed campaign. With data driven approach, Bena tracks and attributes impression, engagement, converstion, sales and ROI, providing 360 degree view of campaign performance.
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Set your social media growth on autopilot.
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join now to start collaboration with creators
Join millions of creative people with Bena
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Come For The Tool, Stay For The Network
2022 Bena Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Built with Passion and Love
All-in-one influencer platform to empower your scale
60,000+ creators
Already joined the Bena Platform
world's creator marketplace
How it works
Design your campaign
brands publish campaigns to recruit creators to participate
Collaborate with creators
brands invite ideal creators to collaborate via campaigns
Track and optimize ROI
influencer marketing campaign performance tracking on the participated creators
sign up to bena platform and learn what bena provides
The #1 Creator & Brand Collaboration Platform
Recommendation Powered by AI
With our predictive data science capability, Bena creates the perfect match between brands and creators.
AI recommended influencers to collaborate in the campaigns
one stop shop of influencer marketing for brands
Campaign Management
With one stop shop for campaign management, there is no easiler place than Bena to plan and execute an influencer campaign.
Real Time Collaboration
Email is the past, let us embrace the convenience of real time messaging to have communication efficient with language barrier.
real time collaboration between brands and influencers
brands conduct ROI tracking and optimization via campaign results from creators
ROI Tracking and Optimization
Don’t repeat a failed campaign. With data driven approach, Bena tracks and attributes impression, engagement, converstion, sales and ROI, providing 360 degree view of campaign performance.
Join our Community
Set your social media growth on autopilot.
Subscribe to our weekly newsletter
Join millions of creative people with Bena
Join Now
2022 Bena Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Built with Passion and Love